Spina Bifida Surgery in Turkey
Spina bifida is a congenital defect affecting the spine that often requires immediate surgical intervention due to the potential physical and mental complications it can cause in affected children. Many patients choose Turkey for spina bifida surgery due to the high quality of medical services and the affordability of the procedure.

How Spina Bifida Surgery is Performed in Turkey
Doctors can perform the surgery on the infant within a few days after birth or even while the baby is still in the mother’s womb. If the baby has a meningocele, the surgeon will reposition the membrane surrounding the spinal cord back to its place and close the opening, typically within 24 to 48 hours after birth. For myelomeningocele cases, the surgeon returns the tissues and spinal cord to their proper positions within the baby’s body and covers them with skin. Sometimes, a hollow tube is also inserted into the baby’s brain to prevent fluid buildup (hydrocephalus), which is also done within 24 to 48 hours after birth.
In some cases, spina bifida surgery can be performed while the baby is still in the womb before the 26th week of pregnancy. In this procedure, the surgeon closes the opening over the baby’s spinal cord inside the uterus. Studies have shown that babies who undergo this surgery tend to experience fewer congenital defects. However, it poses significant risks for the mother and increases the likelihood of very premature delivery.
Following these surgeries, additional procedures may be needed to correct issues with the feet, hips, or spine, or to replace the tube used to prevent fluid buildup in the brain.
Cost Comparison of Spina Bifida Surgery in Turkey vs. Other Countries
Country | Cost (in Euros) |
USA | 65,000 |
Germany | 43,000 |
France | 37,000 |
Spain | 40,000 |
Turkey | 8,000 |
Our Experience with Spina Bifida Treatment in Turkey
Over the years, we have handled many complex cases of spina bifida surgeries in Turkey, particularly from Algeria, where the condition is prevalent. The treatment costs for most cases ranged between $7,000 and $24,000, depending on the patient’s specific health condition.
If you are considering traveling to Turkey for spina bifida surgery, feel free to contact us for guidance. We will connect you with the best hospitals specializing in this procedure, ensuring the highest success rates at the most affordable cost. Simply reach out to us for assistance.
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Spina Bifida in Turkey: Essential Medical Information
What is Spina Bifida?
Spina bifida, also known as “split spine,” is a congenital defect affecting the spine that typically becomes apparent at birth. In this condition, the neural tube (a collection of cells that forms the baby’s brain and spinal cord) does not close completely, leading to incomplete formation of the vertebrae that protect the spinal cord. This can result in physical and intellectual disabilities in the affected child.
Types of Spina Bifida
- Occulta Spina Bifida:
- The most common and mildest form of the defect.
- The spinal cord and nerves are typically unharmed, and a small gap may be present in the spine.
- This type usually does not cause disability.
- Meningocele:
- A rare type where a sac of spinal fluid (but not the spinal cord) protrudes through an opening in the child’s back.
- Some patients experience mild symptoms, while others may face bladder and bowel problems.
- Myelomeningocele:
- The most severe type.
- The spinal canal is open in one or more places along the lower or middle back, allowing a sac containing nerves and the spinal cord to protrude.
- This can damage the nerves and spinal cord.
Causes of Spina Bifida
The exact cause of spina bifida is not fully understood. Scientists believe it may result from a combination of genetic and environmental factors, as well as a deficiency in folic acid (a type of Vitamin B) in the mother’s body. The condition is more common in white and Hispanic children, and it tends to affect females more than males. Women with poorly controlled diabetes or obesity are at a higher risk of giving birth to a baby with spina bifida.
Symptoms of Spina Bifida
- Occulta Spina Bifida:
Often marked by a patch of hair or a birthmark over the defect. - Meningocele and Myelomeningocele:
- A visible sac protruding from the baby’s back.
- Myelomeningocele often lacks a skin layer over the sac.
Other symptoms include:
- Weakness or paralysis in the legs.
- Unusual foot shapes, uneven hips, or a curved spine (scoliosis).
- Seizures.
- Bladder and bowel problems.
- Difficulty breathing, swallowing, or moving the arms.
How is Spina Bifida Diagnosed?
- Blood Test:
- A sample of the mother’s blood is analyzed for AFP (alpha-fetoprotein), a protein produced by the baby. High AFP levels can indicate spina bifida or another neural tube defect.
- Ultrasound:
- High-frequency sound waves create images of the baby, revealing any spinal abnormalities.
- Amniocentesis:
- If blood tests show high AFP levels but no abnormalities are detected in the ultrasound, the doctor may recommend extracting a sample of amniotic fluid. Elevated AFP levels in this fluid suggest spina bifida.
For those planning to travel for spina bifida surgery, we encourage you to watch our video for detailed guidance.
For more in-depth information about spina bifida, visit: