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Prof. Semra Kahraman

Prof. Semra Kahraman

Book Your Consultation With

Prof. Semra Kahraman

Memorial Sisli Hospital

Verified Doctor


Prof. Semra Kahraman is the Director of the Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) & Reproductive Genetics Unit at Memorial Hospital in Turkey. Additionally, she has extensive international experience, having worked in Belgium, the USA, and Norway in infertility management and reproductive genetics. Notably, she began specializing in Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) and Reproductive Genetics in the 1990s. With over 30 years of experience in her specialty, she is recognized as a pioneer in IVF and genetic testing techniques. Furthermore, Prof. Semra Kahraman has been practicing medicine since 1981.

Prof. Semra Kahraman during a meeting with her medical team to discuss patients' files
Prof. Semra Kahraman with her medical team.
  • Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART)
  • In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
  • Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT)
  • Fertility preservation (egg and embryo freezing)
  • Reproductive Genetics
  • Male infertility (Andrology)
  • Treatment of complex infertility cases
  • Embryology and laboratory techniques for ART
  • Advanced maternal age fertility treatments
  • Research and innovation in reproductive medicine

Prof. Semra Kahraman, a pioneer in Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) in Turkey, was elected President of the World Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis Society (PGDIS) for the 2013-2015 term during the American Society of Reproductive Medicine Congress. Moreover, as the only Turkish member among the founding scientists of PGDIS, she has significantly contributed to advancements in reproductive genetics. Consequently, under Prof. Semra Kahraman leadership, Istanbul was chosen to host the 2013 PGDIS Congress, further reflecting her dedication to advancing global research in reproductive medicine and genetics.


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Dr. Arzu Yurci

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